Celebrity Baby Severely Injured
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BestBaby Corporation Press Release
A celebritys baby is severely injured when her stroller tips over.
Was it user error or a faulty product?
Date : October 16, 2009
For as long as can be remembered, BestBaby Corporation, a manufacturer of baby equipment and furniture, has enjoyed a solid reputation with retailers, a good track record with consumers , and a supportive relationship with stockholders . But then the child of a celebrity is injured when her stroller tips over because its brakes failed . The media go wild, and CEO Greg James finds himself in uncharted territory .

BestBaby is in trouble, but its situation is not hopeless . The most effective way for our company to address our defective brake problem and restore consumer confidence in our name is to work cooperatively with U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to recall our jogging strollers . Our company acted quickly in mounting a recall, it demonstrated our commitment to our customers and to product safety .

In this unfortunate event, BestBaby even has a role model . On October 4, 1982, Johnson & Johnson announced a nationwide recall of 31 million bottles of Tylenol after seven people died from taking cyanide-laced Extra Strength Tylenol capsules . It was one of most prominent product recalls in the United States, and the companys aggressive action went a long way toward restoring trust in its brand . In the end, Tylenol more than survived; Johnson & Johnson also raised the standard for consumer product packging .

The company has a lot to do in a very short time . BestBaby is working with the CPSC to figure out the most effective ways to notify consumers of our efforts to remove the dangerous strollers from the marketplace . The company also use this public notice to alleviate some of the negative publicity surrounding the product and the accident involving baby Nelkin .

In the CPSCs experience, companies that are up-front with their customers – and that act quickly to prevent further injuries – can maintain or regain the loyalty and admiration of the public .

Every consumer product companys nightmare : an injured child – as a result of an incident involving the companys product – a media frenzy, and a public relations disaster spiraling out of control . In the case of baby stroller manufacturer BestBaby Corporation, it scarcely helps that the cause was probably user error and not actual product failure . The parents of three-month-old Avery Nelkin are famous and wealthy, and as the child lies in an intensive care unit, reporters are

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Bestbaby Corporation Press Release And Faulty Product. (June 28, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/bestbaby-corporation-press-release-and-faulty-product-essay/