Marks &spencer Case
Please find below the list of information that should be given by each subject teacher to learners during the first week:
Set your class rules (taking into consideration the behavior policy).
Explore the subject syllabus with the learners.
Explain your grading system and rubric (details of excel record sheet, if possible project it on the board).
Introduce e-books use (where applicable).
Distribute agenda copybooks and practice books (books where applicable).
Inform learners about copybooks/folders presentation and organization (date, title, objectives, etc…).
Administer the diagnostic assessment on your second session (it may take more than one session).
Correct with learners the diagnostic assessment during the following sessions.
Hand in your diagnostic assessment analysis/report by Sunday September 15, to the subject coordinator in order to target gaps and weaknesses of students, especially learners enrolled in support classes.

safety regulations after a door fell on an employee. George Blair was allegedly injured after a warehouse door intheir store at Braehead, near Glasgow was left hanging on loose fixtures. Marks &Spencer are alleged to have ignored repair requests, allowing the door to fall intodisrepair. Marks & Spencer pled not guilty to this; there is still no outcome of thistrial.Also according to “BBC News 30th January 2006” Marks & Spencer would be thefirst major retailer to go down the Fair-trade route on both clothing and food. The fair-trade policy, which they have launched will include, cut salt and fat in M&S foods,recycled packaging and animal welfare protection.

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Bbc News 30Th January And Spencer Case. (July 12, 2021). Retrieved from