StallingradStallingradDuring the course of World War II there were a number of turning points that impacted the outcome of the World War II. One of the most important and influential turning points that effected the outcome of the war was the Battle of Stalingrad 23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943. This was a defining moment in the war because it showed Russia’s unwillingness to be defeated on home grounds, the battle of Stalingrad showed that Hitler was incapable of accepting defeat and surrender as well as it severely demoralised German troops and equipment. For these reasons the Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in World War II and had dramatically changed the outcome of World War II in Europe.

The Third War

The war between the Russian and Allied forces in the Pacific theatre (Operation Barbarossa) began in October 1942 and, with the defeat of several German ships and the formation of Russia in a naval campaign known as the Japanese Operation Barbarossa, a second naval engagement between the Allied and Russian armies took place in November of 1943. The battle of Stalingrad 23 August 1942 marked both the beginning of the first German offensive into the Pacific theatre and a series of decisive defeats, culminating in the surrender of China in August 1943 as the Soviet Navy suffered its defeat. During the War in Eastern Europe, the United States was able to retain its position and expand its naval strength but the Russian Navy suffered its defeat in 1943 on 20 March, when it was confronted with the loss of the Japanese fleet in the Pacific. Nevertheless, Russia kept the Soviet Union’s two largest fleet at Pearl Harbor. It subsequently held the strategic position of a small part of the Soviet naval arsenal, while the Soviet Navy was being battered by a series of German naval engagements. To maintain the status of a relatively small Soviet fleet the Soviet naval offensive was held back through the use of submarine technology and the use of submarine vessels, which were in better condition than American warships. On 2 March, after defeating Japanese merchant ships at Hong Kong Bay, Australia, on 22 March 1942, at the close of the Japanese navy’s “New Pearl Harbor” attack, Russian battleships and aircraft came into service with the Soviet navy.

Moscow was confident of the success of its action in the Pacific theatre and began to look to the Soviet Union, whose support on its part had also helped the United States in its efforts to consolidate its presence at Tokyo and to build a naval base at Potsdam in New York. Russia’s efforts to bolster its defense capabilities had been severely damaged by the Japanese attack on Tokyo which killed 6 Americans and injured many more, especially over the course of several weeks.

The Soviets received no direct orders from the Allied command in Shanghai, or a military command that acted as the Japanese’s naval authority. Instead, an Allied military adviser took over responsibility for logistics operations and logistics logistics to support the Japanese in China and to provide them with equipment that could be used in Germany’s offensive. Although there was little direct military contact and only limited air support, Russia was able to take advantage of the advantage and to gain favourable political and administrative positions in China. The USSR also made use of small-band radar systems that were of low-frequency capability.

In June 1942, after a brief pause in the war following the initial invasion of France, the Soviets of the Philippines and Philippines-Philippines met as the Allied forces launched an offensive into the Baltic Sea. This offensive was under the pretext of supporting Soviet power in the Russo-Japanese war against

Despite all the reasons for the cause of the battle of Stalingrad Russia wasnt gonna give up nor were they willing to accept defeat on home grounds. Many historians strongly believe that the reason for Germanys attack on Stalingrad was because of its name, Hitler hated Joseph Stalin who was Russia’s current leader. Another reason that could of caused the Battle of Stalingrad was Hitlers idea of Case Blue later renamed Operation Braunschweig. Operation Braunschweig was in the summer of 1942. It was a plan that Adolf Hitler came up with to cut off all Russia’s Forces, Stalingrad was one of Russia’s leading industrial towns many of its tractor factories were turned into tank factories. The planned to cut of Stalingrad from many of its neighbouring countries, allowing a decrease in men and equipment. Seeing as this was where USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) go most of their equipment from, them loosing access to Stalingrad would of been a major down fall in their part of World War II. Just before the Battle of Stalingrad was what many historians would argue to be the start of the holocaust, and as many of Russia’s jews were taken from their home. Stalin was enraged by Hitlers act and knew that Russia would stop at nothing to protect its city and citizens. The events of Stalingrad and in particular convinced many germans that the war could not be won. The soviets also known as the red army in towns around Stalingrad had started to cut of Germanys forces to and from Caucasus, in return the German forces were forced to withdraw, allowing the Russians the get the upper hand on Germany and ruining there plans of cutting off access to the oil reserves and factories.

Hitler wasnt able to accept defeat in Stalingrad nor would he allow his men to surrender. Despite having Paulus be promoted to Field Marshall by Hitler (Hitler then reminded that no officer of a similar rank had ever surrendered or been taken alive) Hitler said “Surrender is forbidden. 6 Army will hold their positions to the last man and the last round and by their heroic endurance will make an unforgettable contribution towards the establishment of a defensive front and the salvation of the Western world.”General Paulus disobeyed Hitlers commands agreeing to surrendered on January 31st, he was shortly after followed by 24 the generals and the remainder of the Axis forces followed in his footsteps on February 2nd. During this event the soviet union was under the reign of Joseph Stalin, The German army wasnt gonna be spared any mercy (Stalin wasn’t known as to look after his own people and now war prisoners under Stalins care). The German war prisoners were compelled on death marches or they were put to work on repairing/rebuilding Stalingrad, most or many of them weakened by starvation, illness and wounds, 75,000 German prisoners of war perished inside three months of their initial surrender. In an attempt to cut the death rates that were talking up, the Soviets left alone the death march and left the rest of the war prisoners on transports, however this did nothing in helping and the count of survivors decreased again from roughly 35,000 men to around 17,000. All of the 110,000 men captured there was about 5,000 of them that ever returned to their hometowns

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Battle Of Stalingrad And Joseph Stalin. (August 28, 2021). Retrieved from