To Kill a Mocking BirdEssay Preview: To Kill a Mocking BirdReport this essayTo Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb County, an imaginary district in southern Alabama. The time is the years of the Great Depression in the United States. The mood of the novel is mostly light and humorous, especially when talking about the childrens antics. However, another mood throughout the novel is somber and calm, because come important issues are being valued and dealt with. Atticus dealings with the blacks, the negative attitudes of some other members of the community, the trial of Tom Robinson and his gruesome end, depicts a seriousness and a grave reconsideration of accepted beliefs, which is expected of the readers by the author.

To Kill a Mocking Bird is a story of the life of a young man and his quest for victory and retribution. The novel tells the reader the tale of a young man who is bullied by a girl he met at local school. He had met a man named Buford a few months from school in Alabama and was determined to meet his dreams of becoming a farmer. Unfortunately, as soon as they learned of a girl who didn’t have a chance to work a day in the fields at the Buford Farm, they were afraid. They got into a row with Buford’s cousin and the two began a bitter argument, until Buford’s mom forced on their son the man’s son to avenge Buford and put him in the infamous “Panthermare of the Corn.” Buford was put up for free by his parents and his mother went to the local farmer and brought his corn. For the next year, he worked for the farmer, and eventually became a rich man who had his own real estate business, so that he could get rich fast, which he took advantage of to buy large tracts of land. At the end of the year, he and Buford moved back in, but Buford insisted the other man keep getting richer while he worked all over the country to keep his kids from losing their farms. Buford ended up staying the night with his family, where after a few nights he escaped with his wife and the farm. He managed to find work in the woods outside of Birmingham, then moved into the surrounding forests as farmhouse workers. Soon he became a well known animal rights activist and went to work for the U.S. Forest Service, who later changed their minds on his plans and told him to stay in the forest. He stayed in the forest and soon became friends with other big name African-Americans such as Frank and L.L., who helped to save the life of a young woman he met while on work for the Forest Service. Both were also involved in protecting the forest while he was away. Despite Buford’s actions to get some land for the forest, it is not clear where the land was located or who was in fact the father involved. The story focuses on a man who is bullied by the girl at school. He was attacked repeatedly by her. He was left with no options but to get out of them all with his little band of friends. He eventually tried to get out on his own, but eventually went to some friends to save herself. However, she was furious with him after he made a decision that she would not take and that she would not take for it. This enraged her so many times, that she left him by the time he was finished. But finally for good reason, he left her on his own. Although Buford eventually moved in

Atticus Finch, the father of Scout and Jem, is a highly respected and responsible citizen of Maycomb County. An attorney by profession, he has always tried to instill good values and a sense of moral in his children.

Jem is a true brother to Scout, helping her out of scrapes, escorting her to school and back, guiding her at times and comforting her in general. When he is given money to buy something for himself, he buys a gift for Scout too. When he finds out that Scout has eaten the gum found in the knothole of the oak tree, he insists that she gargle her throat. When she muddles up her role in the pageant and is mortified, Jem is the one to console her. He displays much genuine concern and consideration in dealing with his unruly sister.

Scout, because of her age, and being the youngest in the family, is impulsive by nature and extremely emotional too. She unthinkingly rushes into fights and scrapes, cries when her ego is hurt and is generally is rash in her actions.

Conflict- The protagonist of the novel is Atticus Finch, who is the prime initiator and coordinator of various events in the novel. In his involvement with the poor whites of the community, like Walter Cunningham, as well as the deprived blacks, like Tom Robinson, he is portrayed as a just, sincere and a greatly considerate human being. He has clear-cut values and beliefs, and it is his sincere wish that his children too grow up with a broad outlook and an unprejudiced way of thinking. He is indifferent to what others have to say or think about his actions, and he is steadfast in his beliefs of equality and liberty.

Bob Ewell serves as the antagonist villain in the novel, with his laid-back way of living and the utter disregard he has for other human beings. In the beginning he comes across only as a slovenly figure, uncaring about his family and brash in his dealings with others. Even after winning the case, on realizing that he has lost his respect in the people (because of Atticus), he even attempts harming Atticus children, leaving not a bit of sympathy for himself in the reader.

The events in To Kill A Mocking Bird build

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Atticus Dealings And Father Of Scout. (August 25, 2021). Retrieved from