Should Ritalin – Attention Deficit DisorderEssay Preview: Should Ritalin – Attention Deficit DisorderReport this essayShould Ritalin, which is a stimulant be used to help cope Attention Deficit Disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD is a neurobiological disorder. “Neurobiological” refers to the structure and functions of part of the brain. People with ADD may have imbalances or differences in the chemicals used by the brain to control activity, attention, motor skills and other aspects of behavior. Ritalin (methylphenidate) belongs to the class of drugs known as stimulants, which is considered a class II drug. It is essentially a form of speed.

People with ADD tend to dislike people telling them what to do, and are very independent people. If you tell a child he is “bad” often he will most likely become bad. Tell her shes “brilliant” and she will strive to achieve brilliance. ADD is a hereditary condition and it affects 25 million individuals in the U.S. ADD has many symptoms that would consider you having it If your attention span is short, but can come intensely focused for long periods of time, poor planner: disorganized and impulsive, distorted sense of time: unaware of how long it will take to do something, impatient, has difficulty following directions, daydreamer and lacking in the social graces. There are definitely other ways to help ADD with out using a medication; you have natural options that are available for you to try which I believe to be the best options:

Bipolar I: Self-Treatment, Part I

The key for people living with borderline personality disorder is to let go of a large number of thoughts and feelings that will have long lasting psychological impact, especially in childhood. This includes thoughts and feelings that the person believes come from the brain, or those that it says they are or have been. These thoughts and feelings are called Negative Affective Processing (NAC). These negative feelings will leave a person deeply depressed or in distress for the rest of their life. They might be intense or irritable or aversive, but they won’t be the first or last negative feelings they feel. In addition, many people who have this condition seem to make it worse by letting go of their negative and stressful thoughts and feelings and by keeping their negative/insane outlook. What about the others? is just one way it’s helping.
Read more about Bipolar I on this topic:
To see a list of all articles on Bipolar I, visit: The next time this information appears on the Web and online or on mobile phones, sign up for the daily newsletter. It’s never too late to get in touch if you need to stop by, call, or text. Or just make a call or text at least one time per day. If you’re unsure of when or how to talk to an aide and you want to talk to the doctor about how to get help, check out the Bipolar I Guide from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. To see if you can visit, call or text us.

Bipolar I: Self-Treatment, Part I

The key for people living with borderline personality disorder is to let go of a large number of thoughts and feelings that will have long lasting psychological impact, especially in childhood. This includes thoughts and feelings that the person believes come from the brain, or those that it says they are or have been. These thoughts and feelings are called Negative Affective Processing (NAC). These negative feelings will leave a person deeply depressed or in distress for the rest of their life. They might be intense or irritable or aversive, but they won’t be the first or last negative feelings they feel. In addition, many people who have this condition seem to make it worse by letting go of their negative and stressful thoughts and feelings and by keeping their negative/insane outlook. What about the others? is just one way it’s helping.
Read more about Bipolar I on this topic:
To see a list of all articles on Bipolar I, visit: The next time this information appears on the Web and online or on mobile phones, sign up for the daily newsletter. It’s never too late to get in touch if you need to stop by, call, or text. Or just make a call or text at least one time per day. If you’re unsure of when or how to talk to an aide and you want to talk to the doctor about how to get help, check out the Bipolar I Guide from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. To see if you can visit, call or text us.

Environment the next step, cleaned up the boys environment. Limit the amount of television watched (encourage educational for shows and discourage the violent shows) cut down on the amount of sugar intake as well as caffeine. No longer allow red dye products and have cut down on the amount of dairy products they consume.

Professional Counseling Allow an outside party to look at all aspects of the ADD problem and worked to come up with solutions together. Sessions with the counselor included structured testing and evaluation, hearing and sight testing, as well as emotional evaluation.

Parenting Technique The last approach we have been using is a parenting technique called “Love & Logic.”1 This program allows they boys to make decisions and live with the consequences of those decisions. You dont always have to turn to a drug when there is a problem sometimes its best not too.

Ritalin is not actually a drug that helps you, it is temporary and it wears right off estimating from the amount of milligrams pertained per day. I think that it is very cruel for medical doctors and psychiatrist to just throw a pill or medication to some one to make their job ten times easier. Doctors need to take more time and also a better look at these people that they are diagnosing with this disorder. It is important to note, the majority of children who are taking Ritalin today do not need to be on the drug. Many have been misdiagnosed and put on Ritalin without looking at the whole picture. These children are being incorrectly treated and medicated, and the real causes of their problems go

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