Government Policies and Regulations and Iphone
Government Policies and Regulations
The current and expected government policies and regulations taxes and regulations are carried out in matters identified with its externalities. Apple Inc governed by laws and regulations that influence its domestic and international organizational functions. According to Apple Inc (2014), the U.S. and foreign laws and regulations impact the firms operations and any changes can affect the firms operations.

Apple Inc. Annual Report (2014) stated the areas of where these U.S. and foreign laws and regulations are affected by the companys functions. These fields include labor, advertising, digital content, consumer protection, real estate, billing, e-commerce, promotions, and quality of services. Furthermore, other areas that affect laws and regulations are; telecommunications, mobile communications and media, television, intellectual property ownership and infringement, tax, import and export requirements. The Anti-Corruption, foreign exchange control and cash repatriation restrictions, data privacy requirements, anti-competition, and environmental are also in areas within the organization that is in law compliance (Apple Inc, 2014). One example of laws and regulation to comply with the company in related to mobile communications and media devices. The companys operating system in many jurisdictions is subject to change. Any changes can restrict on manufacturing, distribution and production and the use of the product. Its important that when these changes occur, the product device is being mandated in the carriers network. Therefore, the product is then subjected to amend its certification and regulation following government standards.

Apple Inc is governed by through federal, state and international laws in regards to data protection and privacy. These laws relate to the collection, use, and retention, security and information

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Apple Inc And Anti-Corruption. (July 1, 2021). Retrieved from