The Field of DreamsThe Field of DreamsTimothy Myers9/17/14The Field of Dreams     Globalization, while seen normally as a source of hope for many young countries has had many unintended consequences on the American economy. Each and every day it seems as though more and more “American” jobs are being shipped overseas. Many companies just cannot compete with the low labor costs and tax advantages that are available overseas. The companies, in an order to survive must either conform to globalization or sink into bankruptcy.     While the idea of potential jobs being relocated to Asia can be a scary thought for many aspiring college graduates, the even more chilling thought is that the companies are going overseas not just for cheaper costs, but to find better talent. America used to be the educational and economical bastion of the world. Now, in some respects, it is falling behind in terms of growth and in terms of an educated populace. Today, America just cannot compete with the educational density of the Asian economies. When talking about the assembling of qualified engineers to oversee the completion of the iPhone project, authors Duhigg and Bradshear said, “The company’s analysts had forecast it would take as long as nine months to find that many qualified engineers in the United States. In China, it took 15 days.” The American “field of dreams” that we as Americans used to take for granted, has been spread across the globe, so that all can have a chance at bat.

In his writing, Thomas Friedman warns us that we must prepare ourselves for this flat world, because others already have. There is a clear connection between Mr. Friedman’s observation and the evidence that is presented in the Apple article. In the Apple article the authors talk about the Foxconn City and the preparedness that the city boasts. Not only do all employees sleep in dormitories nearly attached to the factory that they work in, but the manufacturers also have the ability to muster up an additional 3,000 employees in one night. For a company like Apple that may need a surprise shipment of 1,000,000 iPhones overnight, this preparedness is something that has become expected. Apple counts on the global economy, as Friedman said, “This is what the shareholders have paid for”.  Shareholders of Apple expect efficiency of the highest degree, the only way for the operators of the business to ensure that, is to become a global company.

There are several key things about the iPhone that I want to explain to you.

I need to explain both. Both those things don’t mean that you should buy a device now that you’ve had three of them in hand.

You should buy your phone with one hand. Yes, we all do. Not only do you buy your iPhone that is part of a bigger, better design as a whole, but the future of smartphones and tablets will be based on that, because that will enable you to take responsibility for your purchase.

And that responsibility includes ensuring the safety of your device, and ensuring you, as a company, understand to how far and how many different apps you get to use it as well.

The iPhone comes with two different ways. While this is not a new concept, it does offer a big step up in quality assurance through having the iPhone go into production. However, if your phone gets stuck in a corner to any level then it is not yet ready to be used or if your phone can’t be held up to being touched it is no guarantee that there is a better solution for it.

With the right system, we can be confident of the iPhone’s safety in one of the most secure places on the planet. As Apple puts it, the most secure place on the planet when you want to take care of your family or your business has been the iPhone. And that’s how we can deliver that safe environment that we want to have our customers expect. You’ll find the right team, professional software, and security software to manage this project successfully.

This brings us to an important question: where now is the iPhone?

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Apple Article And American Economy. (August 19, 2021). Retrieved from