Anarchistic Activism: How V for Vendetta Sparked a Movement – Essay – Salem Novak
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Anarchistic Activism: How V for Vendetta Sparked a Movement
Anarchistic Activism: How V for Vendetta Sparked a MovementDystopian Realities Predicted 13 Years Ago Ten years ago, a political thriller was released to the public. Depicting a terrifying dystopian fascist-run Britain and the United States in fractured ruins, V for Vendetta predicts a future that is rampant with domestic terrorism and sociopolitical corruption. Though the reality projected is fantasy, the fears and themes are very real to today’s culture. Government officials are under constant surveillance to ensure their power is not misused, minorities are questioned and detained in fear of another terrorist attack, protests break out en mass across the country at injustice that is perpetuated by people of power; the world of V is not so unrealistic as one may hope. Political HierarchyWithin the film’s tale lies the setting of dystopian Britain, run by High Chancellor Adam Sutler of the Norsefire party. Reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984 (Chocano, 2006), Sutler broadcasts whatever he dictates onto every television and monitor in all of England; his slogan “Peace Through Unity” is a constant mantra within the political force. Sutler, according to film critic Richard Roeper (2006), models infamous German dictator Adolf Hitler. Like Hitler, Sutler encourages ethnocentrism and religious superiority in the public. His messages are aimed at the masses to promote his party’s beliefs and prevent questioning of the obviously imbalanced power dynamic he implemented. Sutler’s rise to power is similar to Hitler’s own political campaign in that he created tragedies within the nation and used the mass hysteria to fuel his political agenda. He directed a bioweapons program that experimented on the “undesirables” of society, which created the deadly “St. Mary’s virus”. The virus, which was released into three public locations, killed nearly 100,000 people – of which a large portion were children. By blaming “radical Muslims” for the terrorist attack on a school, train station, and water treatment plant, Sutler used the fear generated to win his party the next election. Using this newfound power, Sutler quickly erased dissenting viewpoints and “alternative” lifestyles from the general populace.

Gordon Dietrich, a prominent entertainer of the Party, is a homosexual and collector of prohibited material. Because of his sexual orientation, Dietrich is forced to live alone and unfulfilled both socially and sexually, and he is killed for treason due to the materials in his home. In a similar situation, an actress named Valerie

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(2018, 01). Anarchistic Activism: How V for Vendetta Sparked a Movement. Retrieved 01, 2018, from
“Anarchistic Activism: How V for Vendetta Sparked a Movement” 01 2018. 2018. 01 2018 < "Anarchistic Activism: How V for Vendetta Sparked a Movement.", 01 2018. Web. 01 2018. < "Anarchistic Activism: How V for Vendetta Sparked a Movement." 01, 2018. Accessed 01, 2018. Essay Preview By: Salem Novak Submitted: January 28, 2018 Essay Length: 1,329 Words / 6 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 561 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Segregation and the Civil Rights Movement Segregation and The Civil Rights Movement Segregation was an attempt by white Southerners to separate the races in every sphere of life and to achieve 4,117 Words  |  17 Pages The Farm Labor Movement The Farm Labor Movement was when Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta worked together to form the United Farm Workers Union. This union was formed to 253 Words  |  2 Pages Communist Movement The ICP was formed in Hong Kong in 1930 from the amalgamation of the Vietnamese and the nascent Lao and Khmer communist groups, and it 1,484 Words  |  6 Pages Reconstruction - the Civil War, During Reconstruction, and During the Civil Rights Movements RECONSTRUCTION The American Revolution was a glorious war fought to free the American colonies from the British rule. Although we won that war, there were 849 Words  |  4 Pages Similar Topics Modernization Movements Russia After 1854 Inducible Activator Produced Serratia Proteamaculans Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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