Shoeless Joe
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“To err is human, to forgive divine” – Alexander Pope
Are we doomed to fail because of our mistakes? At some point in everyones life, we feel as if we have done something that will negatively change our lives forever. However, in this quote by Alexander Pope, “To err is human, to forgive divine”, he is trying to illustrate that we should make an effort to forgive others because all people are human and make mistakes. Rather than holding a grudge and being angry about what someone did in the past, it is better to let it go and forgive someones wrong doings. Also in this quote, Pope is explaining that the world of people is “human” and the world of god is “divine” mercy. Therefore when we forgive other people, we are allowing them to be human for faults and we should try hard to forget what they did by putting it behind us and not let it remain a barrier in one anothers relationships. So, in this case, we are not doomed to fail when we make mistakes. As long as people can forgive you and understand that it is only human to mess up, then your life is not over and there is still hope for a bright future. That being said, there are some people who hold grudges, and if you make one mistake, whether it be big or small, they will hold it against you. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about individuals like these, but to know that what goes around comes around and one day, they are going to do something wrong, that they wish they hadnt, and hope for someone to forgive them for it.

What it comes down to is we are not doomed to fail because of our mistakes. Usually when someone forgives you, they will continue to recognize that you have imperfections, but they will not characterize you totally in terms of your flaws. Generally, they will allow for the opportunity that you have potential in the future.

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Alexander Pope And World Of People. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from