Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition Case
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Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition Different risks associated with the expeditionWeather conditions: the dates are fixed and with bad weather the expedition can become more challenging and not as rewarding as the customer is looking for. A lot of wind and rain may also cause a lot of other problems such as electronic devices being unusable, complicating setting up tents and so on. Medical/Health conditions: the people the customer is bringing may not be suited or prepared physically or mentally for the expedition. From my understanding the expedition requires a given level of stamina and health, as well as being able to cope with sleeping ”outside” Provide fishing guides: four experienced guides who are also fly-fishermen seem very specific and might be hard to deliver. When accomplished we rely on these four not being sick. Should have at least one extra stand-by (contingency planning)Air transportation: since this part of the expedition is outsourced we have less control over it, and therefore I would consider it a risk due to being on time and prepared for the trip.Laws and approvals from state: Laws considering nature reserves and population of wild animals and fish may play a part, and might restrict the ability to fly-fish and bring motored vessels into the Tikchik River system as well as restricted camping options.2. Risk Assessment FormRisk eventLikelihoodImpactDetection difficultyWhen Bad weather441Couple of days prior June 20.Bad Medical condition/health443Arrival/During expeditionFishing guides not present241Start of expeditionAir transportation delayed331Start of expeditionLaws/Approvals not allowing parts of the expedition151Weeks before start-upSince I am not familiar with the weather conditions in the area at that time, the size of the resource pool of fishing guides, the professionalism of the airline or how nature laws are maintained the likelihood column of the RAF might be looking a lot different with more information. 3. Risk Response MatrixRisk eventResponseContingency planTriggerWho is responsibleBad weatherMitigate: check weather forecastsDelay expeditionBad weather at startup timeGAABad Medical condition/healthMitigate: denial of participationThe reduced group go as planned while the person(s) not able will be entertained in DillinghamPerson clearly not ready for expedition upon arrival at DillinghamGAAFishing guides not presentRetaining:Transferring: Guarantee Try to get a new one, if not, go with three guidesNot four guides at startupGAAAir transportation delayedTransferring: GuaranteeCome up with activities for the group during the wait period.Not showing up on time.AirlineLaws/Approvals not allowing parts of the expeditionMitigating: Check other locationsFind other locations where similar activities can take placeLaw amendmentState

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Alaska Fly-Fishing Expedition And Different Risks. (June 7, 2021). Retrieved from