Primary Factors Affecting of the Absence of Nurses in a General Hospital in Durban, South Africa – Article Review – manh truong
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Primary Factors Affecting of the Absence of Nurses in a General Hospital in Durban, South Africa
Table of content:INTRODUCTIONMAIN BODY:The research question and objectivesThe Literature ReviewRecommendationsCONCLUSIONREFERENCESINTRODUCTION:The key elements of report will describe all the content of this article is that the primary factors affecting of the absence of nurses in a general hospital in Durban, South Africa by MUDALY P. & NKOSI Z.Z. (2015). First of all, the research is able to analysis in detail and clarity and related objectives are discussed clearly so as to what is the aim of this article? One of the next step is that evaluation of literature review will give sufficient information about the authors ideas in the article so that launch some recommendations at the end of the report. MAIN BODY:The research question and objectivesOne of the report’s first purpose is that analysing not only some different aspects of research question but also related objectives. There is no doubt that the research question is able to help authors collected the actual document, in which the main goal should be a close relationship with the assumption of the study (Farrugia, et al., 2010). In this case, the author use two different methods to create his research question and both of this focus on noting some factors in rising nurses absenteeism in general hospital in Durban, South Africa. To more precise, the reason for explaining why the number of nurses absent increasing is that the number of convalescents. However, it also makes the hospital worse because of the lack of nursing staff to care for the patient and the increasing amount of work that causes stress. The answers have been specifically analysed in the article and make it easy for the reader to understand the problem. The answers for question methodology are all subjective and the survey questionnaire was collected from investigating the nurses who are working in the general hospitals. According to Salkind (2010), the creation of a survey framework for basic scientific research is due to the combination of data collection techniques and analytical methods. Not only that, the research question has important implications for the whole article. It decides to explain clearly the absence of nurses so that hospital managers take appropriate measures to address the problem or help the hospital avoid overloading work.

2. The Literature ReviewThis is an important part of creating credibility. Besides, it also helps the author to prove that he has enough knowledge in this field. According to Kim (2015), it will help the authors demonstrate that they have adequate knowledge in the field and have a higher focus on work. However, the cited article should be exploited in recent years because it is still possible to use well in the case now. In the article, the author uses some citations, which give reasons for the absence of a nurse. For example, the influence of nurses family status leads to the fact that nurses are not able to work (Josias 2005), or the result of poor management that discourages the satisfaction of the nurses (Munro 2007). On the other hand, some authors have also provided outstanding and compelling citations for research in this area, such as the Contribution to the Absenteeism of Nursing in Workplace by Nyathi (2005), in which has emphasized the lack of advertising for the hospitals leading to the nurses feeling dissatisfied and absent more, Study on the absenteeism of nursing professionals in a psychiatric centre by Becker S.G. & de Oliveira M.L.C. (2008)  or Predictors of nurse absenteeism in hospitals: a systematic review by Davey et al. (2009). One of the other remarkable works is Employee commitment: the key to absence management in local government? By Bennett (2002), and it talked about the cause of the nurses absence due to the poor relationship and inappropriate hospital policy. In addition, there are also some prominent articles that clearly show serious implications for this such as article Predictors of absenteeism among hospital staff nurses by Taunton (1995) or according to the article by Unruh and Strickland (2007), about the effect of the absence of nurses, overburdening the hospital, and other hospital staff suffering from physical exhaustion, and the quality of hospital services deteriorated.  Of which, the most prominent are the two authors – Mudaly P. is the Academic Development Officer in the School of Nursing, the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, while Nkosi Z.Z. Is an associate professor of Health Studies Department, University of Africa (Mudaly & Nkosi, 2015). They have a background knowledge on this field a far-reaching, and they are capable of citing compelling evidence for the study of the problem in Durban, Africa.This article has used the authors research in a consistent manner with logical order. Moreover, the authors also give the approximate percentage of the reason is not only the problem but also the effects of it.

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(2017, 07). Primary Factors Affecting of the Absence of Nurses in a General Hospital in Durban, South Africa. Retrieved 07, 2017, from

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By: manh truong
Submitted: July 27, 2017
Essay Length: 1,280 Words / 6 Pages
Paper type: Article Review
Views: 589
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