Freitag Case Study
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Anne-Claire VernedeNadezhda ShiryaevaRumilya MakhpirovaAli IsmailFREITAG CASE STUDY1)Entrepreneurial character – They believe in the idea.Company strengths- Innovation, Unique product out of waste.Business Decisions- they are stick to produce classical bags, they never borowed  money from bank.2) Marketing Mix for Freitag company: Place – Switzerland, England, Japan, the US and all the countries the brand is present in Price strategy differentiates by models and countries. The average price is between 100$ and 300$ and below 100$ for a classy messenger bag. (source:
4) Mission statement: the principle of our business is to make eco-friendly, up-to-date and lasting bags out of truck tarps, seat belts and inner tubes. The products are of high quality, made and designed in Switzerland. The bags are unique, green and customized for you. Vision statement: Our vision is to improve the world, bringing innovative solutions out of simple things. We hope to always stand out-of-line, satisfying our clients with a great range of wallets, backpacks, bags and accessories. Freitag’s commitment to sustainability extends through all phases of our product’s life cycle, from design and manufacturing to support and end of life. We promise to bring the best in the relationships with customers, employees and stakeholders.  5) “Great products are not just objects, they are about ideas. There is nothing so powerful than an idea which matches a communitys main focus.” This phrase is a great explanation to why Freitag brothers chose to link their accessories with Apple products. When Apple introduced their new “I” products the market’s taste changed and introduced a new concept to the consumer. Freitag’s strategy was very much similar to Apple’s market approach, that the product is not only about the design but it’s also about functionality, and Freitag’s bag designs provided protection to such precious products (Apple’s).