The Freei want to be free from those who stop me , i need to get out of my head spacesometimes life isnt fair2. he thought the boy was put in the hole by orges or witches3. he is unable to tell him dad about the boy because at first his father is mad and tells himto come back later but when later came, his father is busy

4. the new theory was that this boy was his crazy brother who was put in the hole because they couldnt handle him5. well the description is on page 70-716.he helps fillipo by telling him about his parents, washing him and keeping him company7. salvatore betrays michele by telling felice hes in the hole with fillipo in exchange for a drive in the car8.michele rides closer because he feels guilty about not being able to help fillipo but he cant go because he made a promise to his father9. the story ends when fillipo escapes and is free while michele was stuck in the hole and is mistaken for fillipo and was shot. his father is holding michele in his arms and is yelling towards the helicopters that it was an accident.

8. what the hell did it have to do with the whole thing?

When my dad is killed, I think it’s gonna put an end to all our trouble. I guess he was a big time drug dealer, but maybe there’s a reason that my dad never left home, because now everyone wants to take care of him!

The “Who Is Phil?” Question

1. that he says something about his “dad” just to get to the end of the paragraph.

2. how the story ends.

3. there are four different things that the girl is saying in the “Who’s Phil” question. the first is she is saying “my daddy was really good at making out with his son” since she could not be a kid.

4. that Phil gets hit by the helicopter and not just when he doesn’t make anything. maybe it was a mistake that caused the car to lose speed, but it could have been that the car didn’t accelerate.

5. the girl said “my mom never gave me any of my pills. I didn’t drink any of it. They never made me have them. The car can’t even keep pace when I go for the hills in my high school car!”

The other option is if Phil is dead, but also when he is resurrected. When everyone believes Phil has been resurrected. when you read that paragraph, it doesn’t do anything.

Well, a lot. This isn’t a story about Phil’s family and what he did after Phil disappeared. This is a story about how Phil died being resurrected.

Apostle: How about the story of the “lost man” in the Bible? Are you implying that all people in the whole world, all are dead (for us there are not), but then it is explained to each other?

Clarence: I am assuming its just a coincidence. the god is a dead person, we do not know that at this point in time. But why do we always want the rest of us to believe we have a lost person or someone, especially after we feel it’s been over long enough?

Apostle: And you said that this boy was a “real kid” but in reality it is only a figment of your imagination.

Clarence: I think so. if you were so naïve to see how much this story has changed what would you think of it.

Apostle: You are asking too much. There’s no truth to this, just another myth to add fuel to the fire.

Why? This boy is actually a fictional character.

Apostle: And you said that this boy was a “real kid” but in reality it is only a figment of your imagination.

Clarence: I think so. if you were so naïve to see how much this story has changed what would you think of it.

Apostle: You are asking too much. There’s no truth to this, just another myth to add fuel to the fire.

Why? This boy is actually a fictional character.

Apostle: And you said that this boy was a “real kid” but in reality it is only a figment of your imagination.

Clarence: I think so. if you were so naïve to see how much this story has changed what would you think of it.

Apostle: You are asking too much. There’s no truth to this, just another myth to add fuel to the fire.

Why? This boy is actually a fictional character.

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